The Billionaire's Secret: ‘Society is a Fugazi.’

Do you remember the scene in Wolf of Wall Street where Mark Hanna (Matthew McConaughey) and Jordan Belfort (Leonardo Decaprio) sit down for lunch at a fancy restaurant with a view over Manhattan? How did Hanna describe the financial markets to Belfort? He famously labelled the stock market as a ‘Fugazi…fairy dust.’. The scene was both humorous and realistic. The financial markets are a total fabrication, an imaginary market based on imaginary companies, all paid with imaginary money. What do I mean by imaginary? 

I do not mean the stock market, companies and money do not exist. However, there is a fundamental difference between existence and reality. Financial markets and money only exist in the collective imagination of human beings. Outside of humanity, these things have no meaning. A bird has no use for Tesla stock. You cannot pay nature one billion bucks to stop producing hurricanes. Therefore, the markets are not reality; they exist but are not real. It is a Fuggazi.

If money and financial markets are not real, society is also a fugazi. A really big f*cking fugazi. Society is the behemoth of all that the human collective imagination is capable of. To be clear, I am not saying you should sack everything off and go completely wild. I am stating a simple truth: society is a figment of the imagination of the human mind and is, therefore, a game. Billionaires discovered this truth, or at least their father or a distant family member did, and thus operate on a different plane of existence. The masses trade their hours for money, scramble for pennies and pay what they earn back to the rich. Is it because the system is corrupt? Is it because the game is rigged in favour of the wealthy? 

Yes, the game has favourites, and the rich and powerful operate under different laws, but that is not why the poor remain poor. The masses do not look beyond the physical facade, ignorant that money and the markets are merely physical representations of energy.

Billionaires know society is a fugazi, an intangible structure that is upheld by the energy of each individual, together forming the collective hive mind. Those who realise this can never be poor and will attract wealth because they know wealth is energy, which exists in abundance. Anyone in the physical condition of poverty, although unpleasant, can eventually escape it as long as their actions are aligned with their desired reality. Wealth is merely a physical representation of the energy that has been harnessed by individuals who have ceased to be trapped by self-limiting beliefs. The billionaire's secret is something that can be utilised by any and every human on earth, and once it is internalised, one will never fear poverty again. Why? Because, like financial markets, like money, like society, poverty is a fugazi. Like any other condition of the human imagination, poverty feels like reality, but it merely exists and thus can be altered. Your reality is defined by the energy you emit; you are in total control of your reality. This is the billionaire's secret.


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